Monday, July 21, 2008

The funny has been gone lately...

To the couple of you who read this, I'm sorry I haven't been writing. There has been a lot of stress occupying my personal life lately and it has literally sucked the inspiration to write, er, right out of me. One day, I may or may not reveal everything that is going on at some point down the line as it would probably be a good story and illustrate the importance of faith, leaning on your friends and family and a general appreciation of your life and the things we all take for granted. This entry isn't quite "A Very Special Episode" territory yet. But it has the potential. All I'll say is if you are the praying type, please keep me and the family in your prayers. If you're not, think kindly of us or whatever it is you do.

Having said all of that, I hope to begin contributing more insanity to the world again on a regular basis. School is ending and a new job is hopefully looming on the horizon, so hopefully soon, the Robot Monkey will be flinging cybernetic fecal matter in your direction.

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