Tuesday, September 16, 2008

And now a brief word regarding this rather lengthy intermission...

Hey peeps, how is it hanging? Well, I'm sure most of you who read this thing (and you know who you are) have been wondering if this thing would ever have any new entries. Well, I have an answer for you. And that definite and defiant answer is this: probably. I'm gonna let that soak in.


Has it soaked in yet? Good, I...oh it hasn't? I thought...alright, I'll wait some more.


Is this gonna take long? Do I have anything better to do? *indignant sputtering* Well, of course I...how dare you, sir (or madam)? I've got so much going on...I can't believe you would even ask such a stupid...no, I have nothing better to do, I suppose. *sigh*

Alright, continuing on. You may be asking what the impetus is for such a momentous occasion. A couple of things, actually. First, the overwhelming desire to write has been beating me about the ears with a tuna fish for some time now. The itch has grown and I need to scratch it. Or rub some aloe vera on it. Also, as been stated in these very pages and by other people who have a vested interest in my welfare (i.e. friends and family), I need to keep writing. Even if it's just a form of therapy. But probably more to the point, the whole situation that prevented me from writing (at least on a mental level, if not emotional) may finally, blessedly be coming to an end, for better or for worse. Which has had the benefit of freeing up my head to engage once again in the insane zaniness to which it is accustomed.

So, I guess it took a natural disaster to knock me out of my general malaise regarding this thing. But when the Gulf Coast/Houston area takes a pounding from an Ike and our name isn't Tina, it causes you to re-examine things, I suppose. And yes, that last line was just an excuse to throw in a Ike-Tina joke. But I've been holding on to those one-liners since I found out Ike was heading here and dammit, I was gonna use one eventually.

So, I'm back, baby. I guess like Ari Gold would say, "Let's hug it out, bitch."

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