Friday, January 14, 2011

A weekend for choices and a project undertaken...what's not to like?

So, I finally sat down and began vigorously writing this past week. Don't want to say too much about it as it is still in the fetal stage at only about 10 pages. But it feels good to have the ideas flowing out of my brain onto the page. Usually they just flow out to nowhere. Yay for progress, I suppose. But I like how it feels. What I've written so far seems very organic, not forced. I've set for myself what I feel is a very easy-to-reach goal of writing two pages a day. So far, so good.

This weekend will involve a gathering of cousins for fun and frivolity. I'm excited as this is not something that happens very often and we're attempting to make it a more regular thing. It's retarded since we grew up together and now that we're all grown up, we all live no more than 10 miles from each other (some like 5 minutes away!). Every family gathering we talk about getting together but nothing happens, so here we go. Actions, not words! Huzzah!

Also happening this weekend, my wife said something to me yesterday about going out this weekend. As I have expressed on these very pages previously, I am total cinephile. Unfortunately, through a combination of kids, time and lack of funds, this happens so rarely it's more of an occurrence than a happening. But this weekend, we are gonna indulge that desire and do it. But now, the question becomes: what to see? There are three things up that I really want to see. It's hard to pick just one. My three choices are "Black Swan", "The King's Speech" or True Grit. Each has things pulling me to it but right now, I am leaning towards "The King's Speech". Every year, I bemoan the fact that when the Oscars arrive I haven't seen any of the nominated films. Not this year. This's personal.
Those last few sentences you should imagine with the movie trailer guy's voice saying it; a close up of my face, eyes squinting with intensity; and ominous and cinematic music behind me.

So, if you were voting for a movie for me to see, what would it be? Give me your reasons. Next week sometime, I'll post what I went to see and my pitifully inadequate review. Good weekend to you all and to all, a good weekend.

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