Monday, December 24, 2007

Well, I already did the feat of strength, so now, the airing of grievences...

Well, nothing too profound to pass along today other than it's Christmas Eve: Merry Christmas! I love this time of year. The atmosphere of miracles, and hopes and spending quality time with friends and family. I hope everyone has a good Christmas.

In regards to recent content (or lack thereof), I had a hellish week last week (ended up with 25 hours of overtime) and was just beat down. My creative level had ebbed. And I don't touch this shit on the weekends, way too much going on. I apologize to the three or four of you reading this. So, I probably won't be adding anything till the new year has started next week.

So, everyone be safe, enjoy your loved ones and remember: we are another year closer to the great robot uprising. Continue to prepare yourself.

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