Wednesday, January 9, 2008

This is the new year...

And yes, the title to this entry is a Death Cab For Cutie reference. And if you aren't familiar with their body of work, shame on you. Fix this immediately.

I have the sincerest of hopes that everyone had a great holiday season and a hopeful outlook for a new year. As for myself, I'd just as soon forget about 2007. I'll frame my feelings on 2007 in the form of this analogy: Imagine 2007 like this cute chick you hook up with. She's cool, likes a lot of the same things you do, enjoys making fun of the same things you do, enjoys going out but likes hanging at home as well. Every thing's cool and you start thinking about making this a permanent thing. Maybe introducing her to family, going to functions together, thinking about a life together. And man, is she wild in bed. 2007 will fuck your socks off. She's practically insatiable. And she's into anything. ANYTHING. And this is her downfall. Because in the course of raising your freak flag, you find out hers goes higher. Much higher. Like she's one of the chicks in the aforementioned "Two Girls, One Cup" video. And she also made another "questionable" video with a horse called "The Black Stallion Rides Again". Also, she started mentioning that Hitler "wasn't all bad" or that he had "some good ideas" or "we need some strong leadership like that today". So, like any rational person, you get the fuck outta Dodge, change phone numbers, locks, email addresses anything else this crazy bitch might have as a way of contacting you. I mean, Christ, she was talking about matching tattoos, for fuck's sake. And she keeps following you. And you're scared to answer the phone or the door. But she won't stop. She's getting more and more persistent and you're freaked out because you know this crazy bitch is gonna serve you some rabbit stew or kidnap you, lock you in a basement, break your ankles with a sledgehammer and make you write a novella in which you're both together and happy with a house and fifteen kids while at the same time forcing you to watch the best of her "movies" and old Disney cartoons, thereby killing any pleasant memories you might have of childhood and Mickey. So you get a restraining order and she's complying but pushing the boundaries so that every time you make a fuss or complain, YOU'RE the one who looks crazy. You don't know where to turn, everything seems hopeless and then she assaults you with 2008, your new girlfriend, one night, threatening her with a butcher knife and then goes down in a hail of gunfire because one detective believed your crazy story and showed up just in time. And you think every thing's okay but it turns out she isn't dead yet and it turns into a life or death struggle which culminates on a rooftop with her losing her balance and falling to her death on the nearby train tracks, where she is immediately run over by a train. But when the cops go to retrieve the body, it is nowhere to be seen, causing you to keep looking over your shoulder for a very long time.

That's kinda what my 2007 was like.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i wish i could link you...but i can't.
this stuff's too vulgar.
hope your family is well though!

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