Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Hey, it's soccer (or futbol for those south of the border) time! USA v. Mexico tonight at Reliant. Should be a good game.

I'm glad I won't be there.

As a result, I don't have much time today to write. But fear not, true believers, I'll make up for it tomorrow. Or the next day. Whatever.

Briefly, though, I must say with Valentine's coming up, my mind turns to the same thing everybody else does at this time of year: the St. Valentine's Day Massacre. If you don't know the full details (which would really surprise me since what else are we celebrating really), go here.

I think this year, I'll go beyond the traditional gifts of chocolate bullets or bloody, bullet-filled hearts and go for an Al Capone card. Maybe I'll do something special for the wife and take her to a garage and then beat her senseless with a baseball bat, all the time berating with talk of teamwork ala' Al Capone in the movie "The Untouchables".

Valentine's Day is such a weird holiday. I just don't understand why we are celebrating the deaths of 7 gansters in Chicago circa 1930. Oh well...

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